Peyton Rousse Peyton Rousse

Tobico Marsh

It all begins with a voice

Hidden Risks at Our State Park.


Aye, If you’re like me and love chilling at our local state park, we need to talk. There’s something serious going on that not many people know about, and it's super important for all of us. Let’s dive into the hidden risks of the former Hartley and Hartley landfill site, which is right next to our favorite park.


The Lowdown on Environmental Contamination


Alright, here’s the scoop. The Hartley and Hartley landfill has some sketchy history with storing industrial waste, including some nasty stuff like PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls). These chemicals were used in all sorts of industrial stuff until they got banned in the late ‘70s because, surprise, they’re toxic.


PCBs are like that bad ex who won’t leave – they stick around forever. They don’t break down easily and can hang out in the soil and water for decades. If these bad boys get into our water, they can cause serious health problems for us and the local wildlife.


We Weren’t Told?!


Here’s the kicker – no one really told us about these risks. Yup, visitors to the park and people living nearby weren’t properly informed about what’s going on. Imagine just vibing at the park, completely unaware of what’s lurking underground.


Health Risks You Need to Know About


So, what’s the deal with PCBs? Long-term exposure can lead to some nasty health issues like cancer, liver damage, and mess with your immune, reproductive, nervous, and endocrine systems. And guess what? Kids are especially vulnerable to this stuff. Knowing this is crucial so we can keep ourselves and our loved ones safe.


Impact on Our Community and Nature


It’s not just about us. Contaminants from the landfill can mess up local wildlife and disrupt the ecosystem. Our state park, which we all love, could be at risk. Preserving these natural spaces is key to maintaining biodiversity and ensuring future generations can enjoy them too.


So, What Can We Do?


Alright, time to step up. Here’s what we can do together:

  1. Spread the Word: Share this article, talk to your friends, family, and neighbors. The more people know, the stronger our response will be.

  2. Demand Transparency: We need landfill operators and regulatory agencies to give us clear and regular updates. Tell us what’s in the ground, how it’s being managed, and what’s being done to keep us safe.

  3. Get Involved: Attend public meetings, write to your representatives, and make some noise. Your voice can push for better monitoring and communication.

  4. Consider Legal Action: If they’ve failed to notify us properly or if there are ongoing risks, we have rights. Legal action might be necessary to protect our community.

  5. Pester the Shit Outta Your Local Township: Seriously, bug them for information. We have the right to know what’s happening in our backyard, so don’t be afraid to ask questions and demand answers.


Wrapping Up

Our health and safety are super important. We can’t ignore the potential risks from the Hartley and Hartley landfill site. By staying informed, spreading the word, and taking action, we can protect our environment and each other.
Thanks for sticking around to read this. If you found this info helpful, share it with everyone you know. Stay safe, stay informed, 

Freedom of information funds

Attached by the download button is every file that is currently public that i could dig up.

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